Presentations for various occasions


Our members and guest speakers gave presentations at other occasions about various topics. Some have been kind enough to grant us permission to post them here, as well.

Click here to read or watch these presentations.


Member presentations for the High Holidays


Humanistic Jews observe Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, as a time for self-reflection and self-examination.   At these services, congregation members present their own unique reflections, some of which are collected here, along with the remarks of our rabbis.


Click here to read High Holiday presentations.

The writings of our bar and bat mitzvahs


Those who go through our bar, bat, or ba mitzvah program are required to do in-depth research and writing in several subject categories that prepare them to become members in the Jewish community in their own right. For that, they must reflect on the following: family history and family values; personal beliefs; heroes and role models; and a Jewish topic of their own choosing, that they will make the theme of a major presentation to the congregation and their guests. Additionally, they write about their community service work and reflect on what it means to them to become a ba, bar, or bat mitzvah.
Read our students’ writings in all of the categories:

bat mitzvahs, and bar mitzvahs write about values and ethics