Shabbat Service and Cultural Program
7:30 service
Cultural program: Secular Spirituality – Ernie Rubinstein
The word “spirituality” will frighten many a good humanist away. But humanism and spirituality are not necessarily opposed. A bridge between them is the concept of Reason, which can work in both humanist and spiritual ways, as some of the great Jewish philosophers have taught. At its linguistic roots, spirituality is really just the ability to breathe. It’s as basic as that. And it expands from there into a stance towards reality that sensitizes us to the wholes within reality that rise up from the parts. Come for a guided reflection on the reasoned and reasonable dimensions of the elusive idea of the spiritual.
After the program, please stay for our pot luck desserts and schmoozing. We’ll provide wine, soft drinks, coffee and tea.
RSVP is requested but not required.