Why Bother with a Bar Mitzvah?

  • Break away from traditional ceremonies
  • Articulate your family’s personal beliefs while connecting with a shared Jewish culture
  • Sharpen academic skills and critical thinking

“We can’t tell you how moving, gratifying, and deeply healing, Ben’s bar mitzvah turned out to be!  Everyone – including his very traditional Sabah and Safta – were sincerely amazed, impressed, moved, gob-smacked, by the insight, humor and honesty Ben was able to share.  It was thrilling, powerful, and heart-opening. 

We were also very touched by what you had to share, [Rabbi] Peter, and it seemed clear that both you and Isabel [program director] felt the resonance, as well.

And all of that starts with asking the right questions! We’re so very grateful for the program you two have developed*, and for us having been led to it.

You gave us the opportunity to provide Ben, and our whole family and community, with a truly rare, precious moment that will reverberate through all of our lives for a long time to come.  What more could one possibly hope for in a Bar Mitzvah?” – Jeff & Gab Casper

*This program developed by Rabbi Schweitzer and Myrna Baron