Christian Nationalism Ascending
The incoming U.S. administration includes authors of Project 2025, a blueprint for Christian Nationalist control of the government and a rollback of the rights of many Americans including women and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Jews and other religious minorities will be discriminated against with mandates for prayer and bible study in public schools, for example. This program will address concerns about the rise of Christian Nationalism and assess potential outcomes for the coming months and years. We will also consider possible approaches to counter the goals of a religious fundamentalist takeover.
Paul Golin is the Executive Director of the Society for Humanistic Judaism (, the community-organizing umbrella of a 60-year-old congregational denomination of American Jewry, with which the City Congregation is affiliated. He also serves as lead staff for SHJ’s pluralistic social justice initiative, Jews for a Secular Democracy (, mobilizing Jewish voices to defend the separation of religion and government.
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