Shabbat Service and Cultural Program

7:30 service

Cultural program: The Return of the Bintel Brief!

Peter Mones

Back by popular demand: A BINTEL BRIEF (a bundle of letters) is the advice column of the Jewish Daily Forward (a Yiddish newspaper). For more than 80 years it was the newspaper’s most popular feature, which helped Jewish immigrants navigate their new life in America with wisdom and heartfelt assistance. Due to the success of this program, we’re bringing it back!

For this Shabbat, TCC member Peter Mones will read and explore some examples, and have the congregation discuss and devise current answers to age old questions. From 1906 to the 1960s the Forward guided readers. We’ll look at how things have changed or maybe NOT changed so much while we become the “dear editor”. Like Dear Abby and Ann Landers, we will create today’s response to the classic newspaper’s aytzeh (advice).

Added feature: Pre-send your modern (personal) letter for advice by Wednesday, November 20. The best ones will be chosen for discussion. Anonymously, of course!
Click here to send by anonymous form or email your letter to Rabbi Tzemah at [email protected]

After the program, please stay for our pot luck desserts and schmoozing. We’ll provide wine, soft drinks, coffee and tea.

RSVP is strongly requested but not required.

Fill out my online form.

To suggest a cultural program, click here


Nov 22 2019


07:30 PM - 09:30 PM


Midtown Shabbat location