Shabbat Service — Chanuka Dinner and Program
Menorah Lighting with Secular Humanistic Blessings.
Be sure to bring your own menorah and candles!
Delicious catered dinner with hearty meal, latkes and sufganiyot (jelly donuts).
Member Shirley Ranz will tell us about the History of the Macabbees!
Beyond Hanukah: The Maccabeean Dynasty – Shirley Ranz
For 130 years the Hasmonean clan ruled ancient Israel, beginning with Mattathias and ending with Herod, which included an eighty-year period of Jewish sovereignty. How the successive generations of Maccabees ruled, and how their rule led to the Rabbinic form of Judaism, will be explored.
Followed by our Hanukkah tradition: Trivia game, led by Dan Wyman!
Reservations for dinner must be pre-paid by noon, December 17. $20 for adults, $10 for children. Refunds are available only for cancellation by noon, December 17. Please call or email the office with questions at 212-213-1002 or [email protected].
Space at the dinner is limited and filling up fast! Please RSVP and pay today to ensure your spot.