7:30 service Cultural program: Who was Saul Alinsky? Saul Alinsky, described by William F Buckley, jr., as “close to an organizational genius,” remains a brilliant social justice strategist to some,…
7:30 service Cultural program: Who was Saul Alinsky? Saul Alinsky, described by William F Buckley, jr., as “close to an organizational genius,” remains a brilliant social justice strategist to some,…
7:30 service Cultural program: Secular Spirituality – Ernie Rubinstein The word “spirituality” will frighten many a good humanist away. But humanism and spirituality are not necessarily opposed. A bridge between…
7:30 service Cultural program: The Multiple Genders in Judaism We’ll talk about some of the ways the sages of the Talmud understood gender. Which were the more common ones, and…
7:30 service Cultural program: Jews in Rock and Roll – Susan Ryan From the earliest days of Rock ‘n’ Roll right through today, Jews have played an important part in…
7:30 service Cultural program: The Return of the Bintel Brief! Peter Mones Back by popular demand: A BINTEL BRIEF (a bundle of letters) is the advice column of the Jewish…
7:30 service Cultural program: The Ashkenazi Roots of the New York City Disability Rights Movement – Warren Shaw New York City’s disability rights movement began in the early 1960s, after…
7:30 service, led by Rabbi Emeritus Peter Schweitzer. Cultural program: IN HIS OWN WORDS: A Tribute to Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine (1928-2007) – Rabbi Emeritus Peter Schweitzer On July 21,…
We are happy to welcome back a well received speaker: Caraid O’Brien on Sholem Asch Irish born writer and performer Caraid O’Brien is returning to speak about the brilliant Yiddish…
7:30 service Cultural program : The Original Bible – Rabbi Tzemah Yoreh From Rabbi Tzemah: “What if I told you that with a few strokes of an editor’s pen you…
Musical Shabbat On this Shabbat we will feature the musical talents of our members as they share their favorite Jewish music. The Rabbi will offer some solos of his own!…