Zoom event – details sent to members Or Tune in below Our weekly service, streaming online. Prepare your candles, challah, and wine, and join us! Cultural program: TCC autobiographies: Deb…
Zoom event – details sent to members Or Tune in below Our weekly service, streaming online. Prepare your candles, challah, and wine, and join us! Cultural program: TCC autobiographies: Deb…
Please join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/266346731 The Art & Life of Florine Stettheimer – Kaela Walker While not a household name, American artist Florine Stettheimer was a trailblazing Jewish feminist…
Zoom event for members & friends You are welcome to watch our service and program on youtube: https://youtu.be/YZjiqvR5fGw Same service, child friendly time! Starts at 6:30! Our weekly service, streaming…
Join us on Zoom – link was sent to members Our weekly service, streaming online. Prepare your candles, challah, and wine, and join us! Join us on zoom The City…
Please join us via Zoom Or tune in below! The A-Z of Intermarriage – book launch by Rabbi Denise Handlarski What if everything you ever heard about intermarriage was wrong?…
Zoom event – details sent to members Or tune in below. Our weekly service, streaming online. Prepare your candles, challah, and wine, and join us! Cultural program: Humanistic Food Blessings…
Please join us via Zoom – link was sent to members Yom Hashoah testimony – Rabbi Dr. Aliza Erber This year at TCC’s Holocaust memorial Rabbinic Pastor Dr. Aliza Erber…
Please join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/266346731 CCNY, Corruption and a Scandal that Shook New York City – Matthew Goodman City College of New York was a tuition-free, merit-based college in…
Please join us via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/613474385 Where is Mengele? The Great Search for an Evil Man – Dr. David Marwell Dr. David Marwell, former director of NYC’s Museum of Jewish…
7:30 service Cultural program: Finding Home: Recognition and Undoing of Shame In Children of Immigrants – Sandy Farber Sandy Farber is a long-time TCC member who, in the most recent…